Community learning is not just for students

COVID, COVID, COVID! I was at Tulane when Hurricane Katrina hit. I remember move-in day. We were sending the students home quickly after move-in. We did not know at that time how long the storm disruption would be.  Out of it, many of our institutions adopted delivery strategies that prepared us for COVID-19. Post-COVID, you […]

Introducing The E4 Assessment Framework for HyFlex Courses

INTRODUCTION The E4 framework is not limited to HyFlex teaching and learning. Helping HyFlex teachers was the motivation to create a framework that would guide the creation of dynamic, student-centered assessments instead of static, single, environment assessments. E4 supports HyFlex learning enviro nments in which students may participate in multiple modes online or in-person. The […]

Relationship-Driven – Customer-centric Principle Four

Originally posted on March 15, 2012 by Brian Beatty Relationship-Driven – “With Me, Along the Way: I have an ongoing relationship with the company; there is a clear focus on relationship-building versus transaction-processing, they manage for the long term value in our relationship.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when the instructor creates opportunities for all students in the […]

Connecting students through common activities and shared experience.

Originally posted on November 12, 2010 by Brian Beatty We know that communities are formed when people with a shared goal are connected to each other as they complete common activities and share meaningful experiences. Learning communities are formed among people trying to learn in order to know and/or to do something they can’t do right now. We […]

Discussions drive connections among students

Originally posted on March 18, 2010 by Brian Beatty In a HyFlex course, the online discussions are a primary means of connecting students who complete class activities online and offline (in-person, in class).  Though a natural connection point is course content, in general, content itself is not interactive. Students can just as easily read a text, watch a […]