Looking for HyFlex Case Reports

Originally posted on June 18, 2011 by Brian Beatty Sloan-C just finished another HyFlex Course Design workshop this past week (June 2011), with over 20 professionals who are using HyFlex courses or interested in beginning to use HyFlex courses in their teaching or instructional design work. We’ve been offering these workshops for several years, and the discussion that takes […]

Student Responsibility for Learning

Originally posted on May 17, 2011 by Brian Beatty Who is responsible for student learning? Teacher? University or School? Student? Parent? Sponsors? We all know it depends greatly on the situation, and that responsibility for learning is shared among all the stakeholders. In graduate education, those stakeholders are primarily three: student, teacher, and school/program (curriculum control). One way […]

Summarizing the Messages to Various Adoption Groups

Originally posted on February 22, 2011 by Brian Beatty Here is a summary of the last set of posts. First Adopters, or Techies: (Developers/discoverers of innovative practices) Risk tolerance: Very high General message: “This is new, and it may apply to your field or work!” HyFlex context: Faculty member or Academic Technology staff support person develops the capacity to teach both online […]

Laggards (Skeptics): What can you do with those whose heels are dug in and just won’t budge?

Originally posted on February 10, 2011 by Brian Beatty In most social organizations there is a small group of people who simply refuse to change their practices from the way they’ve always done something, even when the majority of their “peers” have adopted a new way. This group is the non-adopters, “Laggards” or “Skeptics,” and most of them will […]

Late Majority: Conservatives are finally convinced of the need to change

Originally posted on February 4, 2011 by Brian Beatty The second, and last, majority group in most social organizations to adopt an innovation is called the “Late Majority.” You’ve probably heard the term “better late than never,” and that perfectly describes this group’s adoption timing. Late majority adopters are often the more conservative people in the organization, at […]

Early Adopters: Providing initiative and support for the first value-driven implementations

Originally posted on January 18, 2011 by Brian Beatty In my previous post I described the role of “First Adopters” – the techies – in the diffusion of innovation process applied to HyFlex teaching and learning. Their role is to find new ways to help students learn and faculty teach, with or without technology, without much regard to […]