Working with First Adopters – The “Techies”

Originally posted on January 13, 2011 by Brian Beatty The first people in your organization to adopt an innovative practice like HyFlex would fall into the “First Adopter” (or “Innovator”) category of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations conceptual model. In the world of technology, we might call these people “Techies.” (You may want to read Crossing the Chasm, by Geoffrey Moore […]

HyFlex Participation – Once again, graduate students attend class in-person most of the time

Originally posted on January 5, 2011 by Brian Beatty Another semester ends and more data is gathered on HyFlex participation. This semester, I had only one fully HyFlex course section, with a starting n=19 students. Most students finished the course very successfully, no matter which way they attended week by week. At the end of the semester, four […]

The Student Assistant Voice: Supporting Instructors in Using Hyflex

Originally posted on December 22, 2010 by Brian Beatty I asked a recent graduate to talk about her experience working with one of our faculty in creating a HyFlex version of his traditional classroom-delivered course. Here is what she said: “If you want to learn more about Hyflex or get hands-on experience organizing a course in an LMS, […]

Accelerate Adoption: Communicate within and among Faculty Peer Groups

Originally posted on December 15, 2010 by Brian Beatty Note: I advocate the HyFlex delivery approach for faculty, students, in courses or disciplines where instruction can be effective with both classroom and online delivery. This discussion is targeted at situations where HyFlex delivery make good sense, solving important problems or leveraging some significant new opportunity. It takes more than […]

You’re a change agent: Leverage the characteristics of HyFlex for specific contexts

Originally posted on November 30, 2010 by Brian Beatty Disclaimer Note: I am NOT advocating the HyFlex delivery approach for all faculty, all students, or in all courses or disciplines. This discussion is targeted at situations where HyFlex delivery does make sense, solving important problems or enabling some significant new opportunity. Faculty in the majority segments of an adoption […]

Expanding the reach of HyFlex within the faculty social system

Originally posted on November 19, 2010 by Brian Beatty If HyFlex course delivery makes sense for a particular context, it usually begins with individual faculty who are personally motivated and energized to try this approach to meet important goals associated with delivery mode. In my case, it was the need to maintain a quality classroom program and add […]

Connecting students through common activities and shared experience.

Originally posted on November 12, 2010 by Brian Beatty We know that communities are formed when people with a shared goal are connected to each other as they complete common activities and share meaningful experiences. Learning communities are formed among people trying to learn in order to know and/or to do something they can’t do right now. We […]

Topical Discussions: Generative Learning Activities Focused on Course Content

Originally posted on March 26, 2010 by Brian Beatty I use the HyFlex course design for graduate seminar classes; the only classes I teach right now. Each of these courses delivers/explores a body of content and requires students to read lots of information and make some sense of it, building their knowledge as they go. (Sound familiar?) Most […]