Outdoor HyFlex is a Safe and Interactive Way to Teach

We should have known that the return to teaching normalcy would be fraught with obstacles, and one of the biggest is the mask. The mask, along with its cohort, the plexiglas barrier, may be helpful in limiting transmission of airborne pathogens. However, these devices may also be limiting communication. They muffle voices, hide facial expressions, […]

Accessibility and HyFlex Learning

Accessibility is an important key concept related to the HyFlex delivery model. Accessibility can be viewed as having several meanings in this context. First, students need to be equipped with the technology and skills necessary to make their chosen participation mode accessible to them. Second, the digital content and tools that are fundamental to online […]

HyFlex Learning from an Undergraduate Student’s Perspective: Positives and Pitfalls

HyFlex learning: the learning method none of us expected, nor was quite ready for. On March 12, 2020, my school, the University of St. Thomas, announced that we would be transitioning to online learning for a few weeks – maybe even longer. That following fall semester was when HyFlex learning kicked into high gear, giving […]

Life changes plans sometimes…

  Originally posted on December 14, 2012 by Brian Beatty We recently surveyed students in the Instructional Technologies MA program at San Francisco State University, and found that students once again report that they appreciate the flexibility offered by the HyFlex course design. No surprise there; its the most consistent “finding” in surveys, end of class evaluations and anecdotal reports we […]

Addressing student support needs – General Needs

Originally posted on September 13, 2012 by Brian Beatty What supports do students need when beginning a HyFlex course experience? As with most, if not all, instructional delivery/course modes, there are several general supports needed, and specific supports depending on the exact implementation approach being used. This post describes a few of the general supports. A follow-on post […]

Relationship-Driven – Customer-centric Principle Four

Originally posted on March 15, 2012 by Brian Beatty Relationship-Driven – “With Me, Along the Way: I have an ongoing relationship with the company; there is a clear focus on relationship-building versus transaction-processing, they manage for the long term value in our relationship.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when the instructor creates opportunities for all students in the […]

Delight the Customer – Customer-centric Principle Three

  Originally posted on March 8, 2012 by Brian Beatty Delight the Customer – “Anticipates My Needs: My interactions with the company are excellent; they are solution-focused versus product-centric.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when the focus of faculty and student effort is on achieving important learning outcomes, not on the simple completion of detailed activities themselves. When […]